The interior pages for the 2009 Whole Time Planner are now available as a free pdf download at It’s my gift to the world, recognition that the times, they are a changin’. In fact, I started using this unbound edition on Jan. 20, 2009, which was the day that Barack Obama became president. I three-hole-punched them and put them in an inexpensive yet durable plastic report binder. And since then I’ve been looser about it and various people have asked for copies. I’m happy to oblige. 

There’s sort of a back story here — I’ve been using an academic-year, spiral-bound edition from since June. I put planners to hard use, in and out of a just-big-enough purse once a day, and this one clearly wasn’t going to make it for a whole year. The plastic coil binding did not withstand the daily rigors of my life. I’m glad no one else invested in one!

So I am hereby sailing my round weeks out into cyberspace, copyright and all, hoping they’ll catch the new breeze, land on the right desks, and help us change the object of the game from “more” to “complete!”